Friday 24 September 2021

Overwintering at South Australian Musuem


The Overwintering Project at the South Australian Museum

24 September to 12 November 2021

The Overwintering Project is an environmental art project that invites artists to visit, research and respond to the their local migratory shorebirds and their habitats.

The fastest declining group of birds in Australia, each year 36 shorebird species migrate from Australia and New Zealand to their breeding grounds above the arctic circle in Siberia and Alaska, crossing 23 countries along the way. Since the project began, more than 200 printmakers have created works inspired by these remarkable birds to raise awareness of their existence and the need to preserve their critical overwintering habitats, including Adelaide’s own International Bird Sanctuary – Winaityinaityi Pangkara.

Come along to the South Australian Museum and enjoy an exhibition of selected prints showcasing these incredible creatures and the more than 100 internationally important overwintering sites that provide them sanctuary each year.

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