Monday 17 June 2024

Exhibition - Global and Dynamic World of Today


International Art Studio Radovan Trnavac Mića is pleased to invite you to the opening of

Global and Dynamic World of Today

Recent prints by Damon Kowarsky and Hyunju Kim

"The global and dynamic world of today, facilitated and emphasized by communicative ease, has changed the way of life for many artists who have replaced the former customary static existence with pronounced mobility. Acquiring new knowledge, establishing contacts, exchanging ideas and experiences with colleagues and audiences from various environments are valuable and fruitful aspects of the artist’s relocation and active “travel”.

The artistic duo Damon Kowarsky and Hyunju Kim belong to the group of authors who have gladly embraced the challenges of mobility. While domiciled in Australia, their professional creative and exhibition activities have been conducted worldwide: from the United Kingdom, Greece, the USA, New Zealand, India, Hong Kong, Oman, Egypt, China, to Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, France, and the Balkans, namely Montenegro and Serbia (Studenica, Sićevo, Niš). From the perspective of their creativity, this flexible existential concept is highly inspirational and positively effective."

Milica Todorović, Art Historian

Exhibition opening Thursday 4 July from 7 pm

Gallery hours 11 am to 7 pm Tuesday to Sunday
Suvoborska 48/1, 14000 Valjevo, Serbia

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